... would like to thank everyone who was able to attend our wedding day and share what had to be one of the most amazing days ever! Of course we may be a teensy bit biased...
We now have a working photo gallery here:
Bexnmartin.net :: Gallery
Apologies for the initial problems.. Typically computer technology wasn't ready to give Martin that easy a ride!... It should be fixed now and any issues since then have been fixed with a quick rebuild of thumbnails and images.
To upload/add your own photos to the gallery, please:
... That way we know who took what and can track down better quality copies, etc... It helps with organisation too :) ... Any problems, email martin (At) bexnmartin (dot) net.
Because there's so many family members, friends and the like who couldn't make it, we've opted to buy the rights to our official photos so we'll be putting these online after the honeymoon...
Once all the photos are online (after the honeymoon) we'll be putting a "shopping cart" together for folks to request copies of certain photos, which we'll be doing through boots or similar.
You're welcome to print off your own copies but if you want the high quality images you'd be better waiting until we can put a big bulk order together. (Costs will need to be covered
Thankyou to eveyrone who has given us a wedding present, card or money... It's all been carefully documented and we'll be sending out thankyou cards to everyone soon. To say that we were touched by everyones generosity is an understatement... Thankyou all so very much.
For anyone still wanting to contribute to the Martin and Rebecca "So when are you having children?" fund, our wedding list details are still provided below.
Debenhams (This is our primary wedding list)
Our wedding number is: 188566
... and you can either buy online or visit a physical store and see the items
(Yes we know, these old fangled ways still have their place :))
Amazon also has a list for us which Becky is slowly filling so stuff is being
added as we realise what would be useful, etc..
Clicking the link above should take you straight there, but if not just pop in one of our full names, in the form provided, and you should find us.